

Knowing that the consolidation of a Graduate Degree Program requires investment, maturity of the faculty members/researchers and the carrying out of competitive projects and research, focused on the regional and national reality, a group of experienced professors, the majority, previously affiliated with the Graduate Degree Program in Animal Science (PPGCA/UFPI), which has been distinguishing itself in the State of Piauí, in academic-scientific and technological production in the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine, proposed in 2018 the creation of a new Program affiliated with the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine. Of this group, composed of 10 full-time professors for the new Program, 08 (eight) are Research Productivity Scholars, 06 (six) from CNPq [National Council for Scientific and Technological Development] and 02 (two) from UFPI. In addition, they all helped by making available laboratory infrastructure, with equipment intended for the development of research and teaching activities.

In this way, also due to the lack of a Graduate Degree Program in the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine in the state of Piauí, added to the potential of the state in the area of agriculture, and for being a health center for both human and animal health, the creation of the Graduate Degree Program in Applied Technology to Animals of Regional Interest (PPGTAIR) was approved in 2019, being the first in the state to be authorized to offer opportunities for a master’s degree and a doctoral degree from the beginning.


The Program was conceived with the mission of promoting the development of scientific, technological, and regional innovation in a sustainable and ethical manner through research activities. To this end, it seeks to allow the congregation, articulation, and adherence to complementary interdisciplinary themes, correlated with each other, through the Field of Study “Advanced Diagnostics in Animal Health”, which integrates the main objective of developing and applying modern processes in the different branches of Veterinary Medicine. In this context, the Program focuses its efforts on a range of research involving studies with animal-based food technology, which allow microbiological and technical investigation of industrial processes that impact animal and human health, extending to immunopathological and molecular studies of parasites of interest to epidemiology and regional public health. In addition, it also focuses on the improvement of reproductive biotechniques, the genomic study of unconventional animals and genetic improvement of herds that constitute production chains relevant to the regional economy, to approaches for clinical diagnosis of diseases and innovative therapies in animal models, contemplating cell biotechnology and science of materials.


At PPGTAIR, all the researchers interact with various groups in different areas, in Brazil and abroad. Among the national cooperation’s, the highlights are in the areas of Morphology, Developmental Biology, Stem Cell Biotechnology, the Anatomy Program for Domestic and Wild Animals at FMVZ/USP-SP, Graduate Degree Programs in Morphology at UFC and UFRJ, in Animal Bioscience from CFZEA/USP-SP, the Graduate Degree Program in Biological Sciences from ICB and Animal Science from the Veterinary School of UFMG, Animal Science from UFERSA-RN, from UEMA-MA, and the Graduate Degree Program in Veterinary Medicine from UFCG, in partnership with Dr. Nádia Karina Guimarães de Souza, from the Teaching and Research Institute (IEP) of the Israeli Hospital Albert Einstein in São Paulo/SP. In the area of ​​Animal Reproduction and Genetics, they cooperate with the programs in Veterinary Sciences at UECE-CE; with the Graduate Degree Programs in Medical Sciences at UNIFOR-CE, in Veterinary Sciences at UNIVASF-PE, in Animal Science at the Veterinary School of UFMG, and in Animal Science and Zootechnics at UFV - MG and UNESP - Jaboticabal, the Graduate Degree Program in Experimental Pathology at Fiocruz, Health Science at UFBA. Also, Graduate Degree Program in Materials at UFRN, UNESP in Bauru and Araraquara; in Chemistry with the Programs at Unicamp, USP in São Carlos, UFPB, UFMA and UFSCar. There are partnerships in the areas of Immunoparasitology of leishmaniasis, with researchers from the Gonçalo Moniz Research Center – Fiocruz-BA; Epidemiology with researchers from UERJ and UFRJ; Diagnosis and Vectors with researchers from UFMS; Microbiology with researchers from UFPB and URCA. Program researchers also cooperate with the Network for Technical Scientific Cooperation and Training of Human Resources in Animal Science and Health (UFRRJ - UFPI - UNRC) and the Biotechnology Research Network (UFPI-UECE - UNIIFOR - UNIVASF). The latter, with an ongoing project of the Call MCTI/CNPq/FNDCT Cross-cutting interdisciplinary Action - Regional Research Networks.

As for international cooperation, the PPGTAIR faculty has collaborations with the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina, CAFP-BA [double master’s and doctoral/postdoctoral fellowships], through a research network with Professors Maria Marta Reynoso, Adriana Torres, Maria Inés Medina, Cecília Inés Frigerio, Susana Gertrudis Bettera, Juan Miguel Marioli, Nancy Rodríguez, Claudia Rodriguez; Cooperation with the Infectious Disease Research Institute of Seattle - United States, in the area of ​​Vaccine Studies and Immunotherapy, through Dr Steven Reed; with the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, in the area of ​​development of Recombinant Proteins for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, with Prof. Dr. Manuel Soto. Furthermore, other collaborations occur with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, through Prof. Dr. Josefina Maria Illera del Portal; with the University of Cordoba (Prof. Dr. Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo), University of Guelph (Prof. Dr. Flávio Schramm Schenkel). There are also partnerships with Dr. Valeria Bouquet "Sciences Chimiques" from the University of Rennes, France; Dr. Juan Andres Bort, from the Materials area, at the Universitat Jaume I-Castellon de La Plana, Spain; Dr. Francisco Veiga and Dr. Antonio Ribeiro, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Portugal; Dr. Maguy Jaber, from the University of Paris, France; Fabrice Gaslain, from Mines Paris Tech, France; Dr. Manuela Pintado of Microbiology at the Catholic University of Porto, Portugal.

Countless benefits were generated by carrying out various actions, through the execution of projects, for example: promotion and partnership, pro-equipment, CAPES/MINCYT, Procad [National Program of Academic Cooperation], “casadinho”, “casadinho”/Procads, CAPES CAFP-BA, among others, recycling/updating human resources, infrastructure sharing, exchange of experiences, technology transfer, participation and organization of scientific events, graduate degree students in double degree internships, teaching of courses, participation in co-supervision, examining boards together with Graduate Degree Programs; projects for visiting professors and joint publications, in addition to other important, innovative state-of-the-art activities on these topics.

Coordination´s mandate 2019 - 2022

Maria Socorro Pires e Cruz


Veterinarian, Ph.D.


Napoleão Martins Argôlo Neto


Veterinarian, Ph.D.



Executive secretary: Mr. César Viana da Silva

Phone: + 55 (86) 3237 1465


Opening hours: Monday to friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 2 to 4 pm.

Adress: Federal University of Piauí, Ministro Petrônio Portela University Campus, Center for Agrarian Sciences, Postgraduate Building, Teresina, Piauí, Brasil, CEP 64049-550.