

The Program’s faculty consists of three categories:

  1. Full-time/Tenured Faculty at least 70% must belong to the effective staff of the Federal University of Piauí, who undertake teaching, research, extension and supervision activities in the Program;

  2. Collaborative Professor pertain to the effective staff of the Federal University of Piauí or other Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers or Research Institutes;

  3. Visiting Professorprofessor at other higher education Institutions and research centers, or with a temporary affiliation with the Federal University of Piauí, to carry out teaching activities, in subjects within their area of academic studies or domain, to give lectures, programs and/or seminars, for a predetermined period.


The full-time faculty and collaborators of the Graduate Degree Program in Technologies Applied to Animals of Regional Interest must be doctoral researchers who present high performance in national and international intellectual production, in addition to demonstrating the ability of student supervision of master's and doctoral degrees.


Accreditation is realized in a continuous flow by filling out an electronic form, which must be sent to the Program's e-mail address ( The professor must meet the following requirements:

  1. Hold a doctoral degree for at least two years;

  2. Work professionally in the health, agricultural, technological and/or related areas, with research in the field of study and lines of research of the Program;

  3. Present academic-scientific production aligned with the Program's fields of activity.

Public notice for accreditation in continuous flow

Accreditation form

A1 equivalent spreadsheet